Considerazioni da sapere su Samsung Quick Share

Considerazioni da sapere su Samsung Quick Share

Blog Article

To use Private sharing, tap the “More options” menu at the top of the Quick Share screen and select “Turn on Private sharing.” Private sharing prevents others from screenshotting, saving or resending shared files. You can also set an expiration time and date on the files to prevent the recipient’s access after the designated time.

Quick Share can be used between two users with compatible devices who are Con close proximity, with either Wi-Fi Direct or Bluetooth being possible methods of transfer.

Choose who to share with and start sharing Choose a contact you want to share with in the “Share to contacts” menu.3

Keterbukaan adalah hal yang kita yakini. Samsung Galaxy diciptakan untuk membuka kemungkinan. Semakin sedikit batasan yang dimiliki dunia, semakin jauh kita semua dapat melangkah.

Distance isn't a problem. Even if your friends aren't nearby, you can Quick Share with them through your contacts.

Quick Share for Windows was designed with safety and privacy Per mind. That means you have control over who can discover your device and send files, whether it’s everyone, only your friends and family or just your own devices.

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La Condivisione nelle vicinanze offre la possibilità che trasferire dati entro dispositivi Android e Chromebook Per mezzo di metodo rapido e agevole. Questa funzionalità permette di scambiare file che qualsiasi dimensione senza compressione e che condividere persino la password Wi-Fi fra dispositivi.

Private Share hanya didukung antara perangkat Galaxy dan maksimum 20 file serta 200MB dapat ditransfer sekaligus.

Per mezzo di Quick Share puoi trasferire celermente foto, televisione, documenti, file audio oppure intere cartelle tra poco il tuo dispositivo Android e computer e Samsung Quick Share laptop Windows.3

In che modo Precedentemente essere devi camminare a scrutare, dunque schiudere l’forma, il video ovvero un qualsiasi documento i quali hai deliberazione nato da inviare a qualcuno che usa Quick Share in che modo te

” Namun, perangkat yang masuk ke Samsung account yang sama dapat menerima file dari satu sama lain kapan saja, terlepas dari pengaturan "Siapa yang dapat berbagi dengan Anda".

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